KETO MENU FOR 01.07. - 06.07.

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with bee bacon and almond samosa
Lunch: Creamy mushroom risotto 
Dinner: Grilled chicken fajitas
Snack: Tzaltziki salad
Dessert: Blueberry choco muffin
Breakfast: Waffles with berries
Lunch: Chicken Kung Pao
Dinner: Shrimps in Tuscan saue
Snack: Chia seeds yogurt
Dessert: Snickers bar
Breakfast: Keto cloud bread sandwich
Lunch: Beef stew with bell peppers and cabbage
Dinner: Chicken tikka masala with broccoli rice
Snack: Cheese roll
Dessert: Lemon bar
Breakfast: Keto porridge with berries
Lunch: Dynamite chicken with grilled zucchini
Dinner: Cauliflower pizza
Snack: Garden salad salad
Dessert: Mascarpone cream
Breakfast: Keto breakfast burrito bawl
Lunch: Beef patties in mushroom sauce and broccoli pure
Dinner: Chicken tenders with garden salad and cucumber yogurt
Snack: Coleslaw salad
Dessert: Lava cake
Breakfast: Acai yogurt, nut granola and almond donut
Lunch: Lamb biryani
Dinner: Seafood paella
Snack: Thai coconut soup
Dessert: Choco bites